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Green Building, Remodeling and Development

Also known as sustainable or high performance construction, green building incorporates construction and development techniques, materials and designs intended to minimize a home’s impact on the environment and conserve natural resources. Green building is a practical response to a wide range of issues affecting all consumers. These include such concerns as rising energy costs, the need to ensure clean water and minimize water usage, and the need to improve air quality. In short, home builders strive to maximize efficiency and sustainability in every aspect of new home construction and in home remodeling.


Prefabrication is cheaper, faster and more reliable that traditional construction, especially in the case of multi-unit dwellings like this one.

Pre Fab by Allison Arieff and Bryan Burkhart

Why It Matters

Green building/high performance building is important to the home building industry, consumers and the nation because it promotes lower total ownership costs through utility savings and increased durability as well as an improved indoor living environment. It also encourages environmental awareness and stewardship and more efficient use of increasingly scarce resources and helps to conserve them for future generations.

Voluntary, non-prescriptive green programs provide builders and consumers with the flexibility that they need to construct homes that are sustainable, affordable, cost-effective and appropriate to the home’s geographic location.

"Component contruction will produce better and more adventurous design as long as the designer makes it his business to investigate and know about all available systems and techniques."

Julyan Wickham Architect


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